Welcome to the WalkActive blog. We’ll keep this page updated with content about WalkActive and other interesting subjects. If there’s something specific you’re looking for then please use the search bar to help you find it
Quality over Quantity: Integrating Walking into a Busy Schedule
With packed schedules and endless to-do lists, the idea of fitting in time to exercise [...]
How to set goals, plan your workout sessions and record your progress using the WalkActive Wellness Journal
The Walk Active Wellness journal is a great way to help you get organised, feel supported, and be inspired [...]
What’s the Science Behind the WalkActive Technique?
We’re leading experts in the science and process of walking better. WalkActive is a complete system for health, fitness [...]
Brisk Walking Pace: What that means for Health + Fitness + Mental Wellbeing
What is brisk walking and how can you check you are walking at a brisk enough pace to incur [...]
Super Quick Energy Boosting Smoothie
This is one of my go to smoothies and a particular favourite post WalkActive. In fact it was my main [...]
3 Tips to Improve your Walking Pace
Spring is in the air & there really is no better time to pay a little attention to upping [...]
WalkActive vs Power Walking
Walking can be highly effective at improving your cardiovascular fitness and health in a less impactful way than running [...]
Should I do a Warm Up before WalkActive?
I get asked this a lot. If you are new to WalkActive you'll probably be thinking it's only walking why [...]
Are You Sitting More?
A new poll from UK ACTIVE has revealed that 42% of adults across the UK admit to sitting for at [...]