Joanna Hall’s Introduction to WalkActive Instructional DVD Download


“I’m delighted to share with you my Introduction to WalkActive Instructional Downloadable DVD. I’ll be guiding you through my highly effective WalkActive technique. It’s a simple, easy to follow four part process connecting you with the way your body should move, so every step you take is highly effective; improving how your body LOOKS, how your body FEELS and how your body PERFORMS. Packed with drills and my educational skill layering approach to help you really feel the benefits of WalkActive, It’s the perfect compliment to my book Joanna Hall’s WalkActive Programme: The simple yet Revolutionary way to Transform your body for life”



Make every step you take effective with Joanna’s Introduction to WalkActive Instructional Downloadable DVD

“I’m delighted to share with you my Introduction to WalkActive Instructional DVD. I’ll be guiding you through my highly effective WalkActive technique. It’s a simple, easy to follow four part process connecting you with the way your body should move, so every step you take is highly effective; improving how your body LOOKS, how your body FEELS and how your body PERFORMS. Packed with drills and my educational skill layering approach to help you really feel the benefits of WalkActive, It’s the perfect compliment to my book Joanna Hall’s WalkActive Programme: The simple yet Revolutionary way to Transform your body for life”

Split into 5 user friendly sections in my Introduction to WalkActive Instructional DVD let me help you:

Why you Walk Wrong Section :
Understand in this section why your current habits don’t reap rewards for body shape or joint health.

Walk Right with WalkActive Section:
Master my WalkActive technique – I’ll guide you through my 4 part process in this section to help your body look better, feel better & perform better.

Right Pace for you Section:
In this section find the right pace for you to incur improvements in your fitness and your posture without excess stress on your body.

Making it Fit with your Life Section:
Build confidence about how WalkActive can become part of your life


Bonus Trouble Shooting Section:
Q&A section to help you progress as you start out on your WalkActive journey so you can see and feel the difference.

What WalkActive can do for your body:

Cosmetically – using my Intelligent Exercise Approach, Walkactive works the body from the inside out lengthening & streamlining, significantly transforming body shape without vigorous “no pain no gain” workouts.

Functionally – you learn to move pain free. Knees, back, hip & neck discomfort is significantly improved, future safeguarding joints.

Posturally – your body awareness increases & your movement quality improves, creating more youthful agile movement quality.

“I’m passionate about WalkActive – it’s simple, accessible, results driven. It’s applying science to walking so you are getting tangible results for your health, your fitness and your cardiovascular fitness & inch loss. So what are you waiting for – let me get you WalkActive with my Introduction to WalkActive Instructional DVD.” 

It’s all in the technique.



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