Thank you so much for coming to

How to Walk Trimmer Webinar

I have just wrapped up The How to Walk Trimmer Webinar and it was just a joy to present to you. There was so much engagement and great comments on the chat.

If you joined me live THANK YOU for taking the time to hop on and join in the experience and learnings.

If you missed us or got distracted ( it happens) here’s a recording of the webinar. This limited time replay will be accessible until Sunday March 17th. Do watch NOW so you can start feeling some of my WalkActive benefits.

And if you did join me watch again as I know I shared a lot of really useful tips. You can do it too!  The links to all the resources in the WalkActive App are below. If you are not a member on the WalkActive App – you can join today. Click the link below, subscribe and you are ready to go! And remember you can feedback to me directly with your efforts in our private community in the WalkActive App.

WalkActive App : Download, Subscribe + start today. 7 day all access trial
NOW LET’S PUT IT INTO PRACTICE: Here are the links to the WalkActive App resources to help you.
#1 Quality

Learn the scientifically backed WalkActive Technique with: Get Started with WalkActive. 12 day programme to walk better for posture, gait and stride in just 10 minutes a day. The place to start your WalkActive journey – fast results + personal feedback on your progress.

Get Started with WalkActive
#2 Intensity Audios

Add effective pace and variety of pace with our Walk to the Beat Audio Coaching Sessions. Watch out for our brand my Intensity Score Sessions so you can pick and choose to suit your time mood and goal.

Walk to the Beat
#3 Stroll to Stride 5 k

Walk yourself fitter and Trimmer with Stroll to Stride 5 k : a 6 week audio coaching programme. Follow the success formula so you enjoy results. You’ll improve your posture, pace, technique + body shape with these uplifting easy to follow sessions.

Stroll to Stride 5k
WalkActive App : Download, Subscribe + start today. 7 day all access trial